All requests to tasks need to pass a project_id parameter except the list of tasks.
GET /tasks
Returns all tasks of current account.
"tasks": [
"task": {
GET /tasks/task_id
Returns a single task identified by its ID.
"task": {
POST /tasks
Create a new task
Request (cURL):
curl -d 'token=XXXXXXXXXXXX&api_key=XXXXXX&task[title]=task_title&task[description]=task_description&project_id=XX'
Attribute | Required? | Type | Remarks |
title | yes | string | title of the task |
description | no | text | accepts Markdown formatting |
assignee_id | no | integer | defaults to the owner of the project |
status | no | string | possible values are new (default), in_progress, feedback, complete and on_hold |
priority | no | integer | possible values are 0 (normal), 1 (high) and 2 (urgent) |
billable | no | boolean | possible values are nil (default), true and false |
hourly_rate | no | decimal | |
flat_fee | no | decimal | |
recurring_type | no | string | possible values are daily, weekly, monthly_by_number (specific day of the month), monthly_by_week_day (ie, 3rd Thursday), monthly_last_day, bimonthly, quarterly, biannually and yearly |
Returns status code 200 on success and the json or xml of the current task.
Failed requests will return 400.
PUT /tasks/task_id
Update an existing task
Request (cURL):
curl -d 'token=XXXXXXXXXXXX&api_key=XXXXXX&task[title]=task_title&task[description]=task_description&...' -X
Returns status code 200 on success and the json or xml of the current task.
Failed requests will return 400.
DELETE /tasks/task_id
Destroy an existing task
Request (cURL):
curl -d 'token=XXXXXXXXXXXX&api_key=XXXXXX' -X DELETE
Returns status code 204 on success and no content.
Failed requests will return 400.
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